Are you about to undergo a surgery?
Are you sure this is the right decision?
Why no task another experienced doctor?
We bring a world-class expert to be next to you
An experienced specialist from Singapore
An experienced specialist from Egypt
An experienced specialist from India
We understand your problem.
You’re facing a very important decision. Operation is a major step.
You’re not sure, if your doctor is giving you the best advice. He might not be specialized in your case.
Maybe the diagnosis wasn’t accurate enough.
Does my doctor know the best treatment for my case?
It would be great, if I can discuss your case with a university professor, who is specialized in your case. He will use his experience to check your diagnosis and the proposed treatment.
What we do:
We enable you to have video consultations with two experts. Our experts will study your case and give you their expert opinion. They will answer 4 questions:
1. Is the diagnosis correct?
2. Are there any other examination that you should do?
3. Is the proposed treatment the best possible option?
4. What are the other treatment possibilities available for your case?
Afterwards, it is up to you to decide what to do with the advice provided by our expert.
Our experts:
All our experts are university professors. Very highly qualified and experienced lecturers in the top universities. They are experienced in the latest and most advanced therapies and treatments available in the world. They will gladly share their expertise with you.
About BKS:
Saving Lives
Innovators in healthcare
Healthcare procedures and diagnosis are getting more and more complex every day. It's very important to provide both the patient and the treating doctor with the best possible support in order to make sure that the patient is receiving the most suitable treatment for his case.
At BKS, we believe that providing a professional second opinion support from world-class experts will be a great added value that will improve the overall quality and will raise the level of care provided to the patients.
We want to use the communication technology to remove borders and allow patients to receive the best advice from the best expert, even if he was thousands of kilometers away.
We want to help deliver the best healthcare support possible to any patient and his family no matter where they are. Our solutions directly or indirectly help:
• Improve people health
• Support healthcare professionals with their daily challenges
• Decrease suffering of patients and their families
• Remove difficulties preventing quality healthcare from reaching all patients